Release Log
Record the progress of 【From Zero To Market】
Release Plan
- Current
- Launch Productathon.online
- Develop and publish articles and videos for the hotel and Airbnb auction platform
- Develop and publish articles and videos for the snake game
- 2024-11-15【Startup】 completed the first part
- 2024-12-01 completed the Web3 full-stack development framework based on Nuxt Layer architecture and released the Tech Guide content
Release Log
- Spent 2 days to create this site and release it
- Enabled the domain name Productathon.online that I wanted to register for 10 years at once, symbolizing the product marathon
- Homepage, books, community, members, about, and English and Chinese bilingual versions
- Solved vercel deployment
- Use nuxt layer logic, so that subsequent new projects can reuse some common features of this application
- Next, until November, I will focus on these two things
- Snake game
- Hotel and Airbnb auction rental platform