Web3 Tech Guide


Share my Web3 full-stack development framework, which is a set of frameworks I have summarized after developing multiple projects

This part I will first complete the Web3 full-stack development framework based on the nuxt layer architecture, and then synchronize the content of this part, which will involve all related contents of Web3 development, including but not limited to front-end, back-end, blockchain smart contract development and deployment.

This framework has been planned for two years ago, and has been polished through multiple hackathon competitions, this time it is actually reset, and implemented with the latest version of Nuxt architecture, this site is the first case of this framework, basically is to implement this site, while simultaneously developing the corresponding Layer, in the next few days will be busy with the hotel and Airbnb auction rental project, this project is also based on this framework to implement.

For the update progress and plan, please check Release Log

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